If you are searching for a new look this year, why not check out the latest celebrity hairstyles in 2007. Most women like to start a new year with a new hair style and where better to go for inspiration than to the pictures of the stars. Celebrities have to look their best because so much of what constitutes celebrity is image. To keep this image, the stars have the best stylists around to keep them on their toes.

It's a good idea to copy celebrity hairstyles. Not only does it set a trend, but if we get it right, we look better ourselves. Just remember when you do this, you will only look your best if you choose a style that suits you. When you look at some of the emerging celebrity hairstyles in 2007, remember that celebrity stylists are very careful to get the look just right. This means taking into consideration the star's natural coloring and the shape of her face. Blonde hair may look great on Kate Moss but will it suit your own skin-tone? Blonde hair is good with fair skin but it doesn't suit everyone.

Whether you choose blonde or not, there seems to be a trend towards short and curly this year. Both Jessica Alba and Elizabeth Banks have gone for wavy hair with a side part and plenty of volume reminiscent of the 1920's and '30's. This is a style that is very wearable and suits most face shapes - worth giving it a try if you like the shorter styles.