If one of your goals this year is to lose that belly fat and have abs like Jessica Alba or other hot celebrities, then these celebrity-inspired tips may be just what you need! It's undeniable that Jessica Alba has some of the sexiest abs in the celebrity world. In the many movies she has starred, from "Sin City" to "Fantastic Four", you can find Jessica revealing her sexy 6 pack abs. And if you have ever attempted to get those abs with normal crunches or sit-ups, you would find those exercises do not produce concrete results even after a long time. The secret to Jessica's sexy 6 pack abs lies in the reverse crunch exercise that's guarantee to speed up how quickly you can get those amazing abs. Here's how you do it.

When put together, this small, but effective, movement should feel like you are using your abs to lift your hips, not to swing your legs. If you like more proven advice to get those sexy abs, I would highly recommend that you look at Fitness Model Expert, Jennifer Nicole Lee's program. Her Fitness Model Program is a detailed guide for all women over the age of 18 looking to feel and look beautiful from the inside out. Women can expect to increase muscle tone, reduce their body fat levels, budget their time better, and learn special beauty tips and tricks from the world's leading fitness models from the program. Her program is the #1 fitness program used by women in the United States today!