Even certified gym habitues are impressed by the physical makeup and high level of fitness that Brad Pitt has exhibited in his movies like Troy and Fight Club. For most gym addicts, the Brad Pitt workout is a routine worth following. However, those who are keen on taking Brad Pitt's exercise regimen should be forewarned that the routine spells hard work six days a week. Sunday would only be the rest day.

For starters on Mondays, this would be devoted for pectoral development. On this day, he will first do three sets of 75 push ups for warm up. Then, three sets of bench, nautilus and incline presses, gradually increasing in weight and decreasing in repetitions. The first is the bench press with 165 lb weight for 25 reps, followed by 195 lb with 15 reps, and capped by 225 lb with 8 reps.

Then, the nautilus press follows starting with 80 lb for 25 reps, 100 lb for 15 reps, and 140 lb for 8 reps. Next is the incline press with an opening set of 60 lb for 25 reps, which proceeds to 100 lb for 15 reps and 140 lb with 8 reps. The Monday pectoral Brad Pitt workout is capped by three sets on the pectoral deck machine, with pretty much the same exercise pattern: a 65-lb initial set consisting of 25 reps, followed by 70 lb for 15 reps and finally 80 lb for 8 reps.

A high protein diet of course complements this sample Brad Pitt workout which has helped him maintain his Hollywood stature.

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