As short hair styles go, the bob is probably the most prolific. It's also among the most versatile. Women can fashion a bob cut from straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, thick hair, thin hair... you name it!

Interestingly, as the bob style has evolved over the past 90 years, the original 'Page boy' style never really went away. It has been adapted and modified, but every now and then a famous actress will give the classic bob hair style new life.

In recent years, celebrities like Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway, and Katie Holmes have all sported stunning bobs. Public reaction to these style changes has been almost universally positive and appreciative.

Probably the most appealing aspect of the bob - at least from an aesthetic standpoint - is how it accentuates facial features. A bob style focuses the eyes on the center of the face. This works to great effect for most famous people, but can be a reason to avoid wearing a bob haircut if you wish to cover up any facial flaws (real or perceived).

If you've never tried a bob cut before, it's usually best to start off conservatively. Get a medium-length inverted bob first. If you like the look and nothing really jumps out at you in the mirror, you should be good to take a deeper plunge and get a shorter bob style on the next visit to your favorite salon.

Just remember - there's not much you can do to make your hair grow out faster! Think with your head and don't let your excitement get the better of you.

As always, your best bet is to enlist the advice of a trusted hair stylist before you go with any version of the bob hair style. Ask him/her to be bluntly honest. Better to be told what you don't want to hear than to be saddled with a very short haircut like a bob and no recourse but to wait for it to grow out.