Although the most versatile, the bob is still the most prolific of the hair dos.The ladies who take pleasure in this style can cut a bob from straight hair, curly, thick, thin, wavy and from any other types of hair.

The bob style has taken a long journey to evolve - 90 years.The striking thing is that the pageboy style which has been there before has never been faced out. What has happened is that it has been modified making it a choice for famous actress once in a while.

Just by noting key celebrities such as Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway, and Katie Holmes put on the bob hair style, many people across the glob have been wowed into accepting the style.
What makes the bob more appealing is the fact that it improves the facial features. It focuses the eye on the center of the face and it's mostly used by most famous people. Tough it can cover perceived or real flaws; it is not advisable to use it for that.

Before you finally settle for the bob, you need to move slowly until you have weaned yourself into the style. Go for a medium-length inverted bob at first. On realizing that all is well then you can move on and get a shorter bob and get it fixed by your salon stylist.

Never get excitement push to grow your hair be your anchor word. Hair will grow at a certain pace and you don't need to force it. Set your mind on how to help it grow.

With the right advice you will be in a position to find the bob of your match. Give him or her liberty to tell you the plain advice without you being belittled or embarrassed.