The Brad Pitt diet program used to get him in shape for many of his movies has generally been a high protein -- low carbohydrate meal plan.
Celebrity trainer Greg Joujon-Roche believes in eating 5 to 6 meals per day -- 1 to 2 g of protein per pound of bodyweight during a serious body building program.

When it comes to high protein diets, other than natural food -- the next best thing is a whey protein isolate supplement. This is something that Brad Pitt used 2 to 3 times per day to guarantee that he was getting enough protein into his system to make those incredible muscle gains.

There have been some erroneous articles about the Brad Pitt diet. These articles indicated that Brad was consuming only 4 meals per day.

The problem with only eating 4 meals per day (unless you are also consuming two separate whey protein isolate supplement shakes) is that you lose out on the benefit that eating every 2 to 3 hours gives you.

Eating smaller and more frequently keeps your metabolism burning calories at a higher rate than a 4 meal plan can provide. In addition, this type of muscle building diet (5 to 6 meals per day) helps to maintain blood sugar levels and keeps your body in a positive nitrogen state which is conducive to greater muscle gains!