A beautiful movie that takes place in Montana where the hills and trees are sprawling. Great acting all the way around and great directing by Robert Redford.

A staple with sci-fi fans, 12 Monkeys has a twisted plot that can be easy to lose track of. Proves, like many of his movies, that Pitt does not need to play the pretty-boy.

What a great movie to be in, this is the role I think other actors must be jealous they didn't get. A masterpiece by David Fincher.

Another David Fincher winner. Obviously Fincher and Pitt make a good team. Fight club is perhaps in my top five favorite movies of all time. Such a fun movie and amazing twist.

A cool movie by Guy Ritchie that places Pitt as a traveling con man/gypsy. Fun to watch like every other Guy Ritchie movie.

The original, well not really, that was a remake of the original. This one is just better in most ways than other Oceans movies.

I really liked this one. Brad Pitt was great, but so was Casey Affleck. I think this is more of a story about Robert Ford than Jesse James. Affleck gives such a strong performance, the tension in this movie is palpable.

Probably my least favorite on this list, but still good. He doesn't get much of a chance to flex his acting muscles, but is still an interesting and fun story.